Fund PW&F!

For years I have wanted to translate Porr, horor och feminister (Porn, Whores and Feministssince I have often felt frustrated with the way "The Swedish Model” is discussed internationally, when, at the same time, so little is known about it.

In the book I attempt to understand the mechanisms behind the strong unified Swedish resistance against porn and prostitution. Through my own studies and modern research I show that, despite their good intentions, the arguments brought forward are inadequate. Instead they are guided by cultural and traditional ideas about gender and sex, which, amongst other things, cause harm to sex workers. Embedded in this resistance are underlying messages, which have several functions: normative (depicting one kind of sexuality as better than another), symbolic (creating a sense of safety and identity) and derailing (it is easier to focus on commercial sex rather than more urgent and complex issues). For a summary of the book, have a look at this articleAn excerpt from the book, including the Foreword and Chapter 3, is already translated and can be downloaded as a pdf here.

I am now in the process of translating Porn, Whores and Feminists in order to make it available as an Open Source project. My interest is not to make a profit on the book, but, instead to make my knowledge accessible to an international audience. Most of those who are helping me with this project do so voluntarily, but, since creating a good translation is a delicate task, I wish to pay for it. Creating a technical platform to make the book readily available through Open Source Publishing will also incur a cost. This is why I have set up a crowdfunding campaign.

I estimate the cost to be about 150,000 SEK (approx. £11,500, USD 17,000 or Euro 16,200), VAT included. Any surplus would go to the translation of similar texts, written by myself or by others. I will be fully transparent with all revenues and expenditures. I have started a crowdfunding campaign at

If you wish to donate, there are two ways to do this: through the crowfunding campaign website, or directly to me following the instructions below.

Please spread the word! This call out is available in both Swedish and English. Regular updates on this project will be published on the crowfunding website.

Thanks for your help!

Download a translated Excerpt from Porn, Whores and Feminists (including Table of Contents, Foreword and Chapter 3)


If you wish to contribute to this endeavour directly to me I have opened a bank account specifically for this project: SHB 6214-881 106 658. The account is registered in my name. SWIFT/Iban is SE64 6000 0000 0005 6456 5288 and Bic is HANDSESS. It is also possible to transfer your contribution through PayPal to the email address info(at) or through Swish, to telephone number: 0708-192909. Please specify whether you wish to receive public acknowledgment or if you would prefer to remain anonymous. All contributions – big or small – are appreciated.